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Consumption potential

1 person usually spends R$ x.xx per month on a product.

With a market-share of %, your consumption potential is BRL

Refine your search:

Select your UF and the group of products and services you want to calculate

Instructions ▽
  1. First select your Region and then the Group and Product you want to check;

  2. After the selected fields, enter the population size of your neighborhood or municipality (whichever best corresponds to the number of people that can be served by your product);

  3. market share  desired (for example: if there are 4  local competitors that offer the same product in similar conditions to yours, perhaps yourmarket sharebe 25%);

  4. Finally, select which remuneration range best characterizes your target audience, if you don't know, you can leave it in the general classification.


Consumption Potential Calculator

Based on real consumption indicators of Brazilian families,

simulate the consumption potential for your product and service!

Pesquisas de Mercado Completas

Receba sua pesquisa de mercado completa em poucos minutos, avaliando o potencial local, as tendências do setor e a sua concorrência.

Planos Caravela com Geomarketing

Conheça seu local e acompanhe as características, evolução e as projeções do seu mercado.

Mockup Tablet Mapa.png

Eleve seu potencial

Desbloqueie o acesso a informações premium e faça sua pesquisa de mercado completa e personalizada em poucos minutos.

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